You may select the type of content that you wish to display in your Widgets. Types of content are Pages, Images, and Files. Depending on the widget, you can also consider selecting a combination of different content types, such as Images and Pages.


When you upload a new file in the Files area (e.g. a pdf), consider adding a File Icon in addition to the file itself. This will ensure that your file has an image when it used in widgets such as Grids and Masonry.

Widget Component Content Types


Page: Unless otherwise assigned all pages are created as a 'Page'. A 'Page' is the default, however, to assist with page management, common types of pages can be grouped together. We cover these below:

Landing: Used largely for conversions you can drive traffic to your Landing pages to test aspects that converts better. You can create many variations of your landing pages to identify your optimum designs and messages. 

Within the 'Page Settings' area of your 'Landing' pages, you can elect to hide the 'Header' and 'Footer' of your website. The aim is to remove distractions away from your visitors and focus them towards the content that matters.

Blog: Blog pages are added just like any other page. When you change the 'Page Type' to 'Blog' the page will automatically appear in your Blog. In the 'Page Settings' area, remember to set your Blog 'Page Icon', the 'Display Date' and 'Author'.

Event: Events are also just like any other page. You can keep your admin area neat and tidy by grouping your events. In the 'Page Settings' area, remember to set your 'Page Icon' and the 'Display Date'.

Product: Much like 'Events', 'Products' are also just like any other page. You can keep your admin area neat and tidy by grouping your products. In the 'Page Settings' area, remember to set your 'Page Icon'.

Section: Sections are special pages that can sit inside other pages. I.e. they don't have a page URL, but they are managed with the same flexibility as any other page. An example of this might be Sliders, Testimonials or even your Footer. By treating the editing of Sections just like any other page, you have full control to edit the content giving you more flexibility to design your website as you wish. Imagine a footer with a background video, a photo gallery or even a slider, by treating these elements as pages, you have the power for uninhibited editing in a familiar page editing environment.


MOBLE CMS groups files into the following types:

  • Image
  • Document
  • Audio
  • Video 

You may upload files with the following extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, tiff, pdf, doc,docx, xls,xlsx, ppt, pptx, txt, rtf, pages, numbers, key, mp4, mov, qt, wmv, avi

Your Widgets may pull in a combination of File Types e.g. Documents and Images. 

When you upload a new file in the Files area, consider adding a File Icon in addition to the file itself. This will ensure that your file has an image when used in widgets such as Grids and Masonry.

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