Shremaya Home
MOBLE gifted an in kind contribution of $37,500 in software development funding to support the Shremaya Foundation; a marketplace website platform for emerging Artists to Showcase their artworks and build a customer following to promote their art as soon as it's released.


MOBLE designed and developed the marketplace website platform from the ground up. Key features of the custom made website include:
Profile page for artists to manage their art and receive enquiries for purchases and hire.
Profile page for art lovers to wishlist art and receive notifications for new releases they love.
Searchable archive of artworks
A global map of artists
Secure payments for donations and sponsorships
Crowdfunding donations for each artist (scheduled development)
"MOBLE initially provided $25,000 of in kind software development funding. They increased this to $37,500 to add more platform features to give our community the start it needed to support emerging artists in Australia and all over the world."

Sonia Rutnam, Co-Founder


Launching a marketplace website requires a well defined strategy to solve the classic "chicken and egg" or "empty shop syndrome" that always comes with getting a marketplace platform off the ground.
The challenge is to balance supply and demand as the marketplace scales.

Artists require enough sales enquiries from perspective buyers to stay engaged with the platform, and critically, to return to post new artworks in the future.

Conversely, there needs to be enough Artists and their Artworks to keep the buyers engaged:

Ensure there are enough artists frequently posting quality artworks.
Entice buyers back, without further ad spend, by sending personalised email and sms notifications as soon as new art is released.

In order to solve the "chicken and egg" dilemma ('what came first the art or the buyer'), MOBLE invented a roll out strategy called 'Cap and Release'.


Cap: The strategy of Cap and Release is to 'Cap' the number of Artists allowed on the website in any given Artist onboarding phase. This would create a feeling of 'exclusivity' for the Artist. 

From our initial Workshop research, we new that the biggest concern for Artists before signing up to the website would be their brand positioning in the marketplace. It was important to their brand that their peers on the platform would be of a similar standing and quality, so as not devalue their own artwork. Therefore, it would not be sustainable to just let anybody signup. Shremaya would need to exclusivity invite the first batch of Artists and curate a collection art that would both set the standards, and raise the bar, to inspire all future Artists to follow.

Release: Once the Capacity of Artists is reached, it would be essential to ensure there were enough members/buyers to satisfy those Artists. Only once 'demand exceeds supply' would a new batch of Artists be 'released' into the platform.

Shremaya Art Page


This pattern of 'Cap and Release' would continue as the website scaled. Every marketing strategy would be planned with this in mind. As such, we designed the launch strategy for the client.


Shremaya Art Page

ARTIST ONBOARDING: Exclusive invitation to a target of 100 Artists, with 20 Artworks each.

Quality control:

  • Controls of the type of Artist on the website
  • Control type of Artwork in the marketplace
  • Set the expectation to future Artists to know what the website is about, and know it is right for them.

SPONSORSHIP: Invitation to sponsors to get involved, to satisfy their Corporate Social Responsibility by supporting the foundation.

Key areas of sponsorship:

  • Ad Budget for YouTube Ads
  • Competition Prizes
  • Social Media Management

LAUNCH COMPETITION: On the platform, Art Lovers can save their favourite Artists, Artworks and Literature to their Profile. New Art Lovers are invited to the website to follow Artists, and save Artworks, and if they have a Winner is saved to their Profile on Launch Day, they can win a Prize.

  • Prize for Artist with the most Faves.
  • Prize the Artwork with the most Saves.
  • Prize for the Literature with the most Comments.
  • Prize for the Art Lovers who pick the Winners.

The competition is designed to solve the "empty shop syndrome". By encouraging users to get involved and support Artists by following them, the website would be quickly populated with a community of active users.

New vetted Artists can also onboard during the competition.

Artist are encourage to promote their Profile across their socials for the best chance to win, plus to further promote the wider website community.

As soon as Artists upload new Art, their followers are notified by Email or SMS. Members can control their notification settings in their Profile.

ARTIST ONBOARDING VIDEO: Scripted and produced by MOBLE Sydney as part of the project handover.


At the time of writing the project has been handed over to Shreymaya with all the tools they need to make the project a success. Shremaya is in the 'Artist Onboarding Phase' using their custom developed website platform to assist artists with preparing their Profile Pages.

The challenge ahead for Shremaya is to generate revenue through Sponsorships and Donations to fund the platforms advertising revenue and officially launch the project. We wish this wonderful startup every success in securing further investment.


Primary Colours



Secondary Colours





Thanks for reading this case study. We'd really love to make your business an online success. Book a Calendar meeting with me, and we'll happily provide you with a free quotation.
Paul Davenport,
Managing Director

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