MOBLE Forms have an 'Ortto List Integration' so that when a user completes your form on MOBLE, they will be automatically assigned to your preferred Ortto List when they subscribe. When you create a List in Ortto it will automatically appear in here in MOBLE.


As you can see in the image below, you simply begin typing and MOBLE will autocomplete your Ortto Lists as you type. The form below is linked to 3 Ortto Lists: Social Pro, Content Pro, UX Design Pro. You can assign users to as many lists as you like.

MOBLE and Ortto are seamlessly integrated so that as soon as new Lists are created in Ortto they will automatically be available in the dropdown list.

Autopilot List Integration

Before MOBLE Forms can be assigned to Ortto Lists you must first add your Ortto Tracking Code and Ortto API Key. 

To find you Ortto Tracking Code and Ortto API Key:

  • Login to your Ortto Account
  • Go to Settings
  • Now you will see both tabs:
    • Ortto Tracking Code
      • Open the page that says 'For Web Pages', copy the Code.
      • Go back to you MOBLE Global Settings Area (Found via the top left Menu Icon)
      • Paste in the Ortto Tracking Code to the Ortto Tracking field and click Save.
    • Ortto API Key
      • Open the page and copy the API Key.
      • Go back to your MOBLE Global Settings Area (Found via the top left Menu Icon)
      • Paste in the API key to the Ortto API Key field and click Save.
Global Settiings MOBLE Autopilot Integration

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