You can apply a border to any frame and have control of Border Side, Border Thickness, Border Colour, and Border Radius.

  D03 E02    01:20

Borders and Accent Lines

While borders are not always required on many website designs, there are instantly that you might consider to give extra design elements to you content. here we look at using Borders for Accent Lines and also for separating content with your brand colours.


In the video below, notice the the Parent Frame as the Border on 'All' sides, the Top Child has only Border Top, and the Bottom Child has only Border Bottom.


Combine Frame Borders and Width to create accent lines to support your headers. 

  D03 E02    03:39

Prepare a complex Block to house Borders

Create Blocks as 'Cards' that live inside your inner padding. Here we explain exactly what to do if you require padding on Cards, meaning a third Block of padding required, which always sits on the inside of the Inner Padding.

  D03 E02    06:53

Using Shadows as Borders

Applying Shadow to a Frame is straightforward, though here we look how to apply Shadow to more complex Blocks with Cards. We then go on to explain CSS Classes and the philosophy of the MOBLE platform that keeps a uniform code base for developers, supported by a UI that the entire content team can use.

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